Who We Are

JDMV is a privately held company that manufactures and markets exceptional quality humate based products which are eco-friendly and provide value to today’s agricultural and remediation industries. It is our focus and passion to provide the highest quality all natural humate based products in the marketplace today. Our commitment to quality and excellence is what makes us a leader in our industry sectors. With office locations in Houston, Texas JDMV is able to serve customers throughout the US and the Central and South American marketplaces. Our naturally occurring humus products are used every day in the agricultural, environmental remediation and waste management industries.




At JDMV we treat each and every client with honesty and transparency with respect to our products, solutions and sales support efforts. Our focus is on the client and making your enterprise more productive, more efficient and better because of our products, technical support and sales support. When you are a client of JDMV you will see the difference in quality customer care. We care about you and are here to serve and assist you with our many products and solutions. We provide solutions and answers, work with your enterprise and offer your Company many years of scientific data, support and technical assistance. You will find our products superior, our sales staff highly ethical and our technical team responsive and wholly dedicated to your needs.


Why Humate Based Products


Humic substances (HS) play an important role from the agronomical perspective. Additionally, HS can play a vital role when combined with other organic ingredients in remediating hydrocarbons and heavy metals.

HS can be divided into 4 primary commercial use categories: agriculture, environment, industry and biomedicine. JDMV focuses its manufacturing and marketing efforts in the agricultural, environmental and industrial application areas.

In agriculture, humic acids are one of the most important components of HS, in that they help break up clay and compacted soils, assist in transferring micronutrients from soils to plants, enhance water retention, improve seed germination rates and stimulate and improve the development of micro flora populations in soils.

In industrial and environmental applications JDMV believes in the efficacy of HS because natural organic colloids (humic and fulvic acids) form water soluble complexes with many metals. When mixed with other organic compounds HS can assist in the breakdown of hydrocarbons.

Humus-containing materials are also utilized for sorbing gases. HS have the ability to absorb organic pollutants from the environment and are highly useful in removing contaminants from water, soil and sewer sludges.


Our Corporate Commitment


  • To provide the highest quality humate based products
  • To build quality relationships with all clients and end users
  • To make our products vital to the operating successes of our customers
  • To provide quality sales, service and support world wide
  • To embrace eco-friendly solutions for improving our environment
  • To embrace innovation and commit to scientific excellence through research and development